map to Things Japanese

Visit Us at

Things Japanese

128 Harbord Street

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

M5S 1G8

(416) 967-9797


visit Things Japanese, Toronto for authentic decor and gifts

 Store Hours This Week


 Tues April 1st: 12pm-4pm

Wed April 2nd: 12pm-5pm

Thurs April 3rd: 12pm-5pm

Fri April 4th: 12pm-5pm

Sat April 5th: 12pm-4pm

*Closed on Statutory Holidays

 Thank you everyone for your continued support!


These items pictured are a representation of products we sell and may not be photos of actual current items available.
We have more styles & other items - please visit our store to see our current selection or contact us for more information.

128 Harbord St., Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1G8

(416) 967-9797

Email Us